CMT is committed to protecting the environment, being a positive and contributing member of our community, and applying rules of good governance in all of our activities. In working every day to responsibly operate our facilities, we aim to achieve our Environmental, Social & Governance goals, which include but are not limited to ensuring the health and safety of our employees, increasing climate resilience, fostering important elements of our culture, providing excellent service in the community, and safekeeping the products we handle and store.
Through training, planning, investments in our infrastructure, and the implementation of our ESG policies and procedures, Carolina Marine Terminal is helping to ensure our business is sustainable and well-prepared to serve our customers for years to come. Our recent initiatives include:
- Energy auditing
- Productivity gains
- Efficiency initiatives
- Climate studies / analysis
- Fuel efficiency improvements
- Community engagement
- Adoption of enhances policies and procedures
Get the full Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Policy.